
The Institute of Housing Administration and management Ltd/Gte was incorporate 2010 to play a formidable role in housing development. The much awaited institute did not commenced operations simply to allow those behind this noble objective to provide adequate housing that is essential for good physical and mental health.

The social aspects of housing like rent collection, sales of houses, mortgages, leases, pay as you go, cooperative related impact, installment payment and direct purchases can form the dire characteristics of good housing system.

Housing always contribute to economic recovery after recession as prices and credits can affect the economic well-being of citizens. It is also seen as a determinant to economic growth because individuals see it as a big asset and considers it as most valuable asset at a point in their struggles through life. Houses having high value will in turn revert individuals well-being and wealth bracket so as to provide additional income to these families Greedy landlords and big real estate operators are sometimes, eager to operate alone in taking decision about rentaged and other housing issues which supposed to be collective to gain popular acceptance to be able to satisfy the yawning of the people.

The institute framework is to evaluate members by being impartial as merit and hardwork will be the main evaluation criteria.

The fundamental responsibility of institute of housing is also to watch and be sure that all transactions are strictly monitored, the era of lost of money in land, sales of building, rent and any other will be considered gone in this new arrangement. The agency will introduce multilateral cooperation between banks, property managers, government and individuals that role are being assigned in service delivery.

The modalities for this operations will be made known in due course. This will help in working out spheres of activities by introducing modern methods of agency practice in rents collecting house sales, for both lands, buildings and other regarding land acquisition.

The model being adopted is to remove every encumbrances in the housing sector, paving way for a better society not having miscreants and scanvangers in sector that is Nigeria fist income earner going by statistics.

Housing comes after oil & gas , maritime, federal inland revenue, customs, excise and housing. It is imperative that one should not neglect an important sector like the housing sector.

His important to note that the benefits as listed will yield positive results which many of the participating intergovernmental agencies will benefits.

Benefits the institute is expected to impact on Nigerians in business and housing are numerous, this benefits includes certification, housing training, services, monetary gains, employment in the sector, commission, agency development, educational enrichment, awareness, additional qualification advantages and career uplifttment and upgrading, having gained approval of Federal Ministry of Education and justice, the sky will not serve as our limits since is the first of its kinds in Nigeria. The institute will admit only qualified professionals and graduates of all disciplines to further enhance the importance of the support of large followership as a greater number of enrollees will play a very vital role in making the institute a profitable venture whose advantages will benefit the people, private, government and individuals on the short term and long-term basis.

The calling of members will continue to attract different shades of opinions as professionals and persons in other field have a role to play to develop a remarkable frame work in achieving quality goals as a way of providing avenues for growth for the state and corporate institution.

The institute will promote the creation of well-balanced atmosphere based on constructiveness, mutual trust and co-operation that will warrant the protection of the hard – earned money or resources as personal responsibility shall the decisions of members to perform creditably well in this area.