Our policy work

1. Introduction

The Institute of Housing Administration and Management (IHAM) recognizes the critical role of effective housing administration and management in fostering sustainable communities and ensuring quality living environments for all residents. This policy document outlines the standards and guidelines established by IHAM to guide professionals in the housing sector and promote best practices in administration and management.

2. Mission and Objectives

Mission Statement: IHAM is dedicated to promoting excellence in housing administration and management through education, advocacy, and professional standards.


  • To establish and uphold high standards of professionalism and ethics among housing administrators and managers.
  • To provide guidance and support to members in achieving efficient and effective housing management practices.
  • To advocate for policies that promote affordable, safe, and sustainable housing solutions.
  • To collaborate with industry stakeholders and governmental bodies to advance the housing sector's interests and standards.

3. Regulatory Framework

IHAM acknowledges the importance of compliance with existing housing laws and regulations. Members are expected to stay informed about relevant legislation and uphold legal requirements in their housing management practices. IHAM will actively monitor regulatory developments and provide guidance to members on compliance issues.

4. Standards and Guidelines

Housing Quality and Safety:

  • IHAM promotes standards that ensure housing units meet basic quality and safety requirements, including structural integrity, sanitation, and accessibility for all residents.
  • Guidelines for regular maintenance and inspection procedures to uphold housing standards and mitigate health and safety risks.

Property Management Practices:

  • Best practices for efficient property management, including tenant screening, lease agreements, rent collection, and eviction procedures.
  • Guidelines for conflict resolution and tenant relations to maintain harmonious living environments.

Sustainability and Energy Efficiency:

  • IHAM encourages environmentally sustainable housing practices, including energy-efficient building designs, waste management strategies, and the use of renewable energy sources.
  • Guidelines for promoting sustainability awareness among residents and implementing green building certifications where applicable.

5. Education and Training

IHAM offers comprehensive education and training programs to equip housing professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary for effective administration and management. Programs include:

  • Certification courses in housing management, property maintenance, and regulatory compliance.
  • Continuing education opportunities to keep members updated on industry trends and best practices.

6. Governance and Administration

Organizational Structure:

  • IHAM operates under a transparent governance structure, including a Board of Directors, committees, and regional chapters to oversee organizational activities and member engagement.
  • Roles and responsibilities defined for board members, committee chairs, and staff to ensure efficient operations and decision-making processes.

Code of Conduct:

  • IHAM members are expected to adhere to a code of conduct that emphasizes integrity, professionalism, and respect for diversity and inclusivity in housing management practices.
  • Disciplinary procedures outlined for addressing breaches of the code of conduct, ensuring accountability and maintaining IHAM's reputation.

7. Research and Innovation

IHAM promotes research initiatives to advance knowledge and innovation in housing administration and management. Efforts include:

  • Collaborative research projects with academic institutions and industry partners to explore emerging trends and solutions in housing.
  • Dissemination of research findings through publications, conferences, and professional development opportunities for members.

8. Advocacy and Outreach

IHAM advocates for policies that support affordable housing, fair housing practices, and sustainable development initiatives. Activities include:

  • Engaging with policymakers and stakeholders to influence housing legislation and regulatory frameworks.
  • Public outreach campaigns to raise awareness about housing issues and promote IHAM's mission and initiatives.

9. Financial Management

IHAM maintains sound financial practices to ensure fiscal responsibility and sustainability. Practices include:

  • Transparent budgeting processes that align with IHAM's strategic priorities and operational needs.
  • Fee structures and financial policies established to support member services, education programs, and advocacy efforts.

10. Monitoring and Evaluation

IHAM regularly evaluates its programs and services to assess effectiveness and member satisfaction. Evaluation methods include:

  • Surveys and feedback mechanisms to gather input from members on educational programs, advocacy efforts, and member services.
  • Performance metrics to track progress toward organizational goals and inform continuous improvement strategies.

11. Implementation Plan

This policy document will be implemented through:

  • Clear communication of standards and guidelines to IHAM members through newsletters, workshops, and online resources.
  • Training sessions and workshops to educate members on policy updates and best practices.
  • Ongoing review and refinement of policies based on feedback from members, stakeholders, and regulatory developments.

12. Conclusion

IHAM is committed to upholding high standards of housing administration and management through this comprehensive policy framework. By adhering to these standards and guidelines, IHAM members contribute to the advancement of the housing sector and the well-being of communities nationwide.


  • Relevant statutes, regulations, and guidelines
  • Organizational charts and contact information
  • Supporting documentation and references

This policy document serves as a foundational guide for IHAM members and stakeholders in promoting excellence and professionalism in housing administration and management practices.